Get Well With Gen

naturopathy and natural health remedies

How Can A Naturopath Help People With Gestational Diabetes?

Do you know someone with Gestational Diabetes? I helped a lady in clinic last year and here is her amazing testimonial.

How did you find out about Genevieve?

Genevieve came highly recommended by a number of parents on a Facebook group I am on when I asked about local Naturopaths.

How was your health when you first came for an appointment?

I had just been diagnosed with Gestational Diabetes when I first saw Gen. While this was the primary reason I sought out Gen’s services I found out so much more about my health and walked away from my first appointment feeling like I knew myself so much more and that health issues I had been struggling with for years I no longer needed to struggle with.

How did Genevieve help you?

My primary agenda for seeking Genevieve’s help was to enable me to control my GD without having to go onto medication. I desperately wanted a home birth and this would only be possible if I could control my GD without medication. Genevieve prescribed various natural remedies and worked on a meal plan and exercise regime that was specific to what my needs were at the time.

Along with the presenting GD I was also very unwell with my pregnancy and Genevieve was able to assist me in a wide range of areas including morning sickness and exhaustion.

How did your health change?

I was advised by medical doctors that it would be highly unlikely I would be able to manage my GD without medication and to expect to start within a few weeks of being diagnosed. I am so pleased to say that with the help of Gen I was able to manage my Gestational Diabetes extremely efficiently and effectively throughout my entire pregnancy! I was in turn able to have the birth I wanted.

I was so impressed with how Gen was able to help me that I continued to see her well after the birth of my daughter and the GD had gone. She has gone on to help me in many areas of my health and well-being.

What advice do you have for others?

Genevieve was the very first Naturopath I had ever seen. I didn’t understand much about Naturopathy or how it could really help but was desperate to give something a try in order to avoid medication. Since my first consultation I haven’t looked back. It is definitely worth the initial consultation, you will find out so much about yourself you will be amazed. Gen is such a personable and approachable person who has the ability to genuinely care and professionally guide you in the direction that’s best for your individual needs. She will work with you to establish what works best for your body and is always evaluating and considering your needs.

Julie, Marayong

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