Get Well With Gen

naturopathy and natural health remedies

A Natural Way To Treat Mosquito Bites

Before consulting with Genevieve, my 3 year old daughter, Willow, would get bitten by mosquitoes regardless of how much protection spray she would have on & within hours she would swell up, be itchy and very hot to touch.
We could only treat her with a antihistamine and a cream to try and stop the infection/allergy taking place. Usually within a day she would end up with cellulitis and need antibiotic treatment to get rid of the infection.
We found once stating the vitamin B1 it took about a week to notice she was getting bitten much less and within a few weeks bites were almost non existent. If she did get bitten the infection wouldn’t be as bad.
Every morning with her breakfast Willow would ask for her mozzie medicine. I would strongly recommend anyone who isn’t getting results with medical treatments to trust Genevieve and give her advice ago. Sometimes it’s the simplest things that help!
Kristy, Tamworth
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