Get Well With Gen

naturopathy and natural health remedies

How Naturopathy Can Help With Trying To Conceive

Pregnant belly


How did you find Genevieve?

My personal trainer referred me to Gen. Her and her family have been going to Gen for a while now and had some issues resolved. This gave me hope.

How long were you trying to conceive before Genevieve started treating you?

9 months

What symptoms were you experiencing when you started seeing Genevieve?

I’ve always had an issue with my periods but I thought nothing of it as I had conceived my first daughter naturally without any issues. Only upon investigating did I find out I had PCOS, Endometriosis and a cyst on my ovary (this was done prior to coming to Gen as I did not know about her at this stage). This caused me a lot of pain, heavy bleeding, clotting and a 7 day long period.

Did Genevieve do any particular testing to further investigate your infertility?

Yes, she did some blood tests which normally Gp’s don’t think of. It was really good to get a whole picture instead of part of it. With the blood work Gen ordered, we found out that I had insulin resistance as well which wasn’t helping my case.
What changes did you notice once she started treatment?

I lost cravings for sweets (which was really good), I had less pain with my periods, less bleeding and clotting and my periods eventually went from 7 days to 5 days.

Do you have any advice for others?

Natural things take time and patience. Gen advised me from the beginning I may need to get surgery done eventually but at least my hormones will be in balance which is also very important. I’ve heard a lot of great success stories of people being treated by Gen and now I can attest to that as well. Thanks Gen for your magic!!!

Jess (Blacktown, NSW)

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How Naturopathy Can Help Endometriosis








How did you find Genevieve?

Gen was referred to me by a friend at work who had been seeing her for a few months and had a really great experience with her.

How was your menstrual cycle / overall health before Genevieve started treating you?

My menstrual cycle was horrible. I have suffered with endometriosis for 25 years and it was progressively getting worse. I was so extremely fatigued and barely haf the energy to get out of bed in the mornings, I was in so much pain! My cycle used to be 21 days, and my period would be extremely heavy for 7 days. I would be in extreme pain most of the month, especially around ovulation time and then again 1 week before my period started. I was just so tired of feeling awful and nothing was working for me. I had a few laparoscopy surgeries but the endometriosis kept coming back about a month after the surgery. I then saw a Dietician who helped me with being able to get my weight down and keeping it off, but it didn’t really help me manage the pain. I just felt constantly swollen, bloated and sore.

Did Genevieve do any particular testing to further investigate your endometriosis and other symptoms?

I had a blood test before my appointment and took the results in to her. Gen then did a further blood check on our first visit. I was so amazed at how much she had picked up from the test without me even telling her anything.

What changes did you notice once she started treatment?

It took about 1 month before I started noticing changes and by the 2nd month the pain started to ease a little and I was feeling less tired. I have been seeing her for 5 months now and I can’t believe how much better I feel. Gen has been able to help reduce the pain by about 60% and I no longer get mid month pain anymore. I just feel like she has changed my life and I know I can deal with the pain when it hits now. I am feeling less tired and my husband has commented a few times about how I am a different and happier person as he has watched me struggle with endometriosis for many years. I can’t thank her enough.

Louise (Kings Park, NSW)

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How Naturopathy Can Help Fertility

How did you find Genevieve?

A friend of mine said she went to her. Also, it was nearby and knew she had experience with fertility-related issues.

How long had you been trying to conceive before seeing Genevieve?

1 year.

Did Genevieve do any particular testing with you?

Genevieve was very thorough with testing. I had all sorts of hormones checked, blood taken different times of the month as well as checking minerals (copper, zinc etc) She also had me get an internal ultrasound done. I think she checked just about everything. Iron etc….

What was your outcome?

Before we even got results back she treated me for painful cycles and gave me herbs that genuinely help fertility. I found something in the herbs she gave definitely helped the pain.

After getting all results she changed the herbs to treat accordingly. I conceived within 4 months of seeing Genevieve.

Do you have any advice for others?

I would go back to her. Very knowledgeable, doesn’t waste time. Seemed pretty harmless and safe to start with Genevieve and I was pleased with how thorough her tests were. We didn’t need to do anything invasive to conceive.

Alicia (Pennant Hills)

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How Naturopathy Can Help With Your Chronic Pain

How did you find Genevieve?
I searched the Hills District Mums FB group for a recommendation for a naturopath. I saw you could book online and made the appointment.
How were your pain levels before Genevieve started treating you?
I would describe it as chronic pain that severely impacted my quality of life on a daily basis. While looking at me you would not necessarily know it, I was in pain 24 hours a day. It was my normal.
How has your pain changed since you started treatment?
In less than 5 weeks I have achieved a significant reduction in pain levels. Instead of feeling like 20 years older, I am feeling younger.
What other changes have you noticed once you started treatment?
I have more energy. I have more mental clarity to tackle life in general and I have a more positive outlook.
What are you now looking forward to achieving in your life?
I am really excited to see where this health journey may take me. My health has been declining over the course of 15 years to the point that I suffer from multiple autoimmune conditions. Being able to manage them and becoming more active in general would be great. Even contemplating bike riding with the kids sent shivers down my back, but now I actually feel it could be possible!
Do you have any advice for others?
Keep trying. Keep looking for answers. I felt I was not living my best life in chronic pain and it was a unfortunate event that made me realise life can be very short and the time is now to try again. I am so thankful I got online and booked an appointment. I believe that each small positive change will add up and give me more energy and motivation to make even more positive long-term changes
Jay, Kellyville Ridge
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How Naturopathy Can Help Asthma

How did you find Genevieve?
Genevieve was suggested by a friend.
How was your overall health before Genevieve started treating you?
I now have the tools to understand my varied personal health challenges and the support to take charge of areas that seemed out of my control.
How was your asthma before you started treatment?
Asthma sneaked up on me earlier this year and I went to see Gen shortly after diagnosis of moderate to severe asthma that required both Preventer, Ventolin and emergency care to manage.
What changes did you notice once he started treatment?
Gen gave me asthma specific supplements. The very day I began taking them I started feeling better, and about a week after taking supplements I realised I could try not using my Preventer medication, so in consultation with my GP I stopped using it.
I have not needed Ventolin or Preventer since then, even in response to known triggers in large doses! I am thrilled.
Do you have any advice for others?
You are in control, take charge by finding someone to help you find the keys to your improved health. Someone like Gen who will explore health from all angles including emotional, and work in conjunction with GPs to find the underlying issues unique to you.
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How Naturopathy Can Help Chronic Skin Conditions and Rheumatoid Arthritis

I received this email from a client who I helped with chronic skin conditions and rheumatoid arthritis (RA).

Hi Genevieve, just a quick message to say thank you so much!  Even though I have only seen you twice now I have to say I am feeling so very good. Was out on the harbour (by invitation) the other day and got sunburnt on my arms.

I was waiting for the dreaded blister spots on my forearms …. and NOTHING!!! My family cant believe it as it was truly horrendous with any sun. My mum and younger sister both would like appointments in the new year. I’m really happy with this for them.

Long story but just wanted to say thank you so very much…. I have basically  lived inside  for 2 years because of RA pain and skin/sun problems and really feel free again. Never be able to thank you enough. Hope you are having a wonderful Christmas and New Years.



PS. Whatever is giving me the energy in the morning would love to have for the afternoon lol. I’m medication free (unbelievable) and swimming again, so happy  🙂

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How Naturopathy Can Help With Nerve Damage

A couple of weeks ago I asked my sister Genevieve for some advice. I have had severe pins and needles in my hands. I’m only 33 years old and very fit and thought it might just something that would just go away.

It didn’t. I was waking up every night a number of times and would have to stand up and walk around to get feeling back into my hands. Most of the time I don’t even get the feeling fully back because I just want to go back to sleep.

After the first week of taking the product Genevieve prescribed I noticed that I was only waking up maybe once or twice and that when I sat up in bed the feeling in my hands returned in 30 seconds.

I am two weeks in and am starting to sleep throughout the night now. I still have pins and needles at times but can get rid of it in seconds as before it was taking me 20 to 30 minutes to return to normal.


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How Naturopathy Can Help Seizures

I came across Genevieve quite by accident.  I had been seeing a naturopath for several months for my special needs daughter who had been having Grand Mal seizures every month from the period of June to the end of October 2016, hospitalised every time.  Up until the end of June my daughter had been controlled on a minor dose of anti seizure drugs for 2 1/2 years.

I decided to find a naturopath in my local area and I was fortunate enough to cross paths with Genevieve while shopping at my local shops. I immediately was given a appointment which was back in late September and have not looked back my daughter has only gone forward due to the knowledge of Genevieve.

My daughter was given several tests including a blood test for MTHFR which she was positive too and also a hair analysis for food allergies,this was a very informative test showing me the right and wrong foods for my daughter who is also a diabetic and on a gluten free diet. Genevieve suggested the GAPS diet I slowly eliminated several food categories which my daughter coped with very well.

We are now going into the third month seizure free and thanks to the care of the wonderful Genevieve and my amazing acupuncture who was referred to me by Genevieve our lives are slowly getting back to normal.

I would truly encourage anyone and everyone with chronic health issues to have trust and hope in Genevieve.

Genevieve cares about you as a person and makes you feel very comfortable.

Thank you Genevieve you have changed my daughters life my regret is that I did not come across you earlier in my daughters life.


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How Naturopathy Can Help Stomach Problems

I met Therese at my youngest son’s playgroup. While our children played together we discussed health issues in children before turning to our own health stories. Not long after, Therese came to see me at my clinic and I helped her get back on the road to good health.

As a blogger who concentrates on life as a Swede living in Australia, she took to her blog to talk about how her health has improved in her post called The way back from years of tummy problems.

Here’s the opening lines;

“To live your life fighting pain is unfortunately way too common these days. No matter what type of pain you are suffering from the constant struggle or the roller coaster you are going through makes everyday life harder than necessary and it is easy to loose yourself in the battle. Today I want to tell you about my (in comparison to other pretty humble) story and what helped me to get where I am today. On my way to full recovery I hope! But to start I have to go back in time.”

Please click on this link to read her whole story on her recovery from stomach pains.


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How Hair Testing Can Help Behaviour

It’s a short and sweet testimonial this time. One of my clients sent me this in a text message and said that I could share the news with the world.

“Hi just wanted to drop you a line, I cannot believe the change in Mia, she is the child I knew was there somewhere, she is so happy, she opened the fridge got out her juice and her “medicine” this morning, thank you so much for your help and guidance, This test was the best thing we ever did”

It is amazing how we can do a simple test like the hair test to analyse the root cause of your child’s behavioural issues, or what is the catalyst for their allergies or food intolerances.

If your child is having any physical or mental issues, why not bring them in for a hair test and I can see what we can do to change their life for the better.

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